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Managing Change

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Thirty Greater NY partners from the nonprofit and private sectors gathered together to trade perspectives and offer advice on leadership through periods of organizational change.

Sharon Greenberger, president and CEO of the YMCA of Greater New York, and Fred Shack, CEO of Urban Pathways, presented on change processes each had undertaken in their respective organizations and spoke about how Greater NY partnership had supported their leadership through change. 

The room opened up for discussion and Greater NY leaders agreed that no matter what kind of business, for-profit or nonprofit, successful change management is all about communication. Leading change means taking an organization through a continuous cycle of 1) setting strategic direction, 2) articulating a vision, 3) generating buy-in, 4) honing a message, and 5) starting again at #1. 

Here’s the top ten pieces of advice from the conversation:

Create your destination postcard and communicate where you are
all going, together.
See everyone, speak to everyone. Appreciate the generosity of the community that supports you.
Give people multiple ways to reach you. Remember, not everyone reads e-mail.
Build interdepartmental teams open to all who want
to participate. Meetings are part business, part pep-rally.
Take initial data and
share it with everyone,
then share it again at every phase of change.
Staff are generally more open to change and know where they think it can happen.
Buy-in is about listening. Keep saying, ‘This is what I heard.’
Balance hearts
and minds.
Don’t declare victory. Realize people need time to grieve change.
Maintain a high degree of skepticism, even when people say you are doing a good job.

Greater NY holds meetings on key management issues
with its nonprofit and corporate partners

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