
When the chemistry is right, the problem disappears.


For a printable list of our 100+ partners, click here.

  • Asian Americans for Equality
    Thomas Yu
    Katie Wu

    Asphalt Green
    Jordan Brackett
    Joshua Morris
    Davidson Kempner Capital

    Eileen Torres
    Richard Dresdale
    Madison River Capital

    Brooklyn Greenway Initiative
    Hunter Armstrong
    Elizabeth Weiland

    Jonathan McLean
    Roberta Karp
    Karp Randel

    Friends of the High Line
    Alan van Capelle
    Isaac Oates


    Futures Ignite
    Molly Delano
    Nick Scharlatt

    Advisor & Consultant

    Goddard Riverside
    Roderick Jones
    Amin Kassam
    Bloomberg LP

    Greenwich House
    Darren Bloch
    Dary Kopelioff

    Sycamore Partners

    Heights & Hills
    Carrie Bloss
    Gerry Paul

    Alliance Bernstein

    Hot Bread Kitchen
    Leslie Abbey
    Brooke Gordon

    FGS Global

    Immigrant Arc
    Camille Mackler
    Melina Bergkamp

    JP Morgan Chase & Co.

    Internationals Network
    Lara Evangelista
    Elizabeth Shakhnovich

    Oliver Wyman

    Macaulay Honors College
    Dara Byrne
    Lili Lynton
    Dinex Group

    New York Early Childhood Professional Development Institude
    Dona Anderson
    Isabelle Phelps

    Lerer Hippeau

    New York Transit Museum
    Concetta Bencivenga
    Richard Rofel

    Gallatin Advisory LLC

    NY Junior Tennis & Learning
    Udai Tambar
    Ripan Kadakia

    ZMC (Zelnick Media Corp)

    Red Hook Initiative
    Michael Partis
    Jeffrey Walker

    Edge Principle Advisors

    Sadie Nash Leadership Project
    Tene Howard
    Paula Root

    JP Morgan Chase & Co.

    Supportive Housing Network
    Pascale Leone
    Liz Micci

    FGS Global

    The Fortune Society
    Stanley Richards
    Michael Gerstenzang

    Cleary Gottlieb

    The Hope Program
    Tracey Capers
    Siddharth Doshi


    The Opportunity Network
    Lucria Ortiz
    Mark Doramus

    Centerview Partners

    Trust for Governor’s Island
    Clare Newman
    Neal Zuckerman

    Boston Consulting Group

    Urban Resource Institute
    Nathaniel Fields
    Kapil Longani

    Rich Nightingale
    Graves Tompkins

    General Atlantic

  • AIRnyc
    Lola Simpson
    Steven Cohen
    Center for the Study of Social Policy

    American Museum of Natural History
    Sean Decatur
    Josh Steiner
    Bloomberg LP

    City Year New York
    Quamid Francis
    Stephen Prince
    Tetragon Financial Management

    Graham Windham
    Kym Watson
    Diane Samuels
    Ford Foundation

    Harlem School of the Arts
    James C. Horton
    Franci Blassberg
    Debevoise & Plimpton

    Institute for Community Living
    Jody Rudin
    Rebecca Liu-Doyle
    Insight Partners

    New York City Employment & Training Coalition
    Greg Morris
    Siddharth Doshi

    NYC Kids RISE
    Debra-Ellen Glickstein
    Emily Perrucci
    Bloomberg LP

    Prospect Park Alliance
    Morgan Monaco
    Tracey Riese
    T.G. Riese &

    Partnership with Children
    Wesner Pierre
    Ram Shankar

    RiseBoro Community Partnership
    Scott Short
    Tim Geithner
    Warburg Pincus

    Safe Horizon
    Liz Roberts
    Michael Ryan
    Cleary Gottlieb

    Tenement Museum
    Annie Polland
    Tali Farhadian Weinstein
    NBC News & MSNBC

    The Bronx Museum
    Klaudio Rodriguez
    David Kramer
    The Hudson Companies

    The Doe Fund
    Jennifer Mitchell
    Richard Roberts
    Red Stone Equity Partners

    The Family Center
    Ivy Gamble Cobb
    Patrick Frawley
    Fidelis Care

    University Settlement
    Melissa Aase
    Alan Gallo
    American Express

    Vibrant Emotional Health
    Kimberly Williams
    Alex Trower
    The Estee Lauder Companies


Alumni Partners

These are the nonprofit organizations and corporate partners we’ve worked with and their affiliations at the time of the partnership.

  • Brooklyn Community Services
    Janelle Farris
    Kelly Stevens
    Simpson Thacher

    Center for Justice Innovation
    Courtney Bryan
    Adam Durrett
    Hellman & Friedman

    Community Food Advocates
    Liz Accles
    Laura Campbell
    McKinsey & Company

    Food Bank For New York City
    Leslie Gordon
    Ellen Hives

    Mark Morris Dance Group
    Nancy Umanoff
    Eric Lee
    Welsh, Carson, Anderson & Stowe

    New Settlement
    Rigaud Noel
    Ian Broadwater

    Gary Linnen
    David Resnick
    Wood Lily Advisors LLC

    Queens Theater
    Taryn Sacremone
    Alaina Gilligo
    Baruch College

    Samaritan Daytop Village
    Mitchell Netburn
    Robert Kasdin
    Johns Hopkins Medical

    Studio Museum
    Thelma Golden
    Tony Kim
    Centerview Partners

    The Opportunity Network
    AiLun Ku
    Sarah Pfuhl

    Transportation Alternatives
    Danny Harris
    Gerry Paul
    Alliance Bernstein

  • City Parks Foundation
    Heather Lubov
    Matt Fassler
    XPO Logistics

    Fountain House
    Ashwin Vasan
    Luis Marcos

    Goddard Riverside
    Roderick Jones
    Rafael Cestero
    The Community Preservation Corporation

    Ronald E. Richter
    Jon Kaufman
    NYC Department of City Planning

    Kingsborough Community College
    Claudia Schrader
    Tracey Riese
    T.G. Riese &

    LaGuardia Community College
    Kenneth Adams
    Cheryl Cohen Effron
    Greater NY

    Lambda Legal
    Kevin Jennings
    Alex Levy
    AH Levy & Co

    Project Renewal
    Eric Rosenbaum
    Sudeep Doshi
    McKinsey & Company

    Jukay Hsu
    Debra Fine
    Fine Capital Partners

    Safe Passage Project
    Rich Leimsider
    Tony Molestina

    The Door
    Kelsey Louie
    Ross Wilson
    RMW Consulting Services

    Women's Housing and Economic Development Corp (WHEDco)
    Davon Russell
    John Rhea
    Centerview Partners

  • Launched April '20

    Bronx Defenders
    Justine Olderman
    Aaron Koffman
    The Hudson Companies

    Center for NYC Neighborhoods
    Christie Peale
    Susannah Gray
    Royalty Pharma

    Chinese-American Planning Council
    Wayne Ho
    Jamie Rubin

    Criminal Justice Agency
    Aubrey Fox
    Michael Ryan
    Cleary Gottlieb

    Goodwill NYNJ
    Katy Gaul-Stigge
    Lorin Thomas Tavel
    Kaplan Test Prep

    Good Shepherd Services
    Michelle Yanche
    Michael Ryan
    Cleary Gottlieb

    Erin Barnes
    Camilla Velasquez

    John Jay College of Criminal Justice
    Karol Mason
    Joshua Steiner
    Castleton Commodities

    New York Peace Institute
    Jennifer Magida
    Jill Sung
    Abacus Federal Savings Bank

    Public Health Solutions
    Lisa David
    Mike Stocker
    Montefiore Medical Center

    Staten Island Partnership for Community Wellness
    Adrienne Abbate
    Peggi Einhorn
    Robert Wood Johnson Foundation

    The Laundromat Project
    Kemi Ilesanmi
    Jeff Hebert
    HR&A Advisors

  • Launched April '19

    Brooklyn Children's Museum
    Stephanie Wilchfort
    Randall Eisenberg

    The Door - University Settlement
    Eric Weingartner
    Jeff Gelfand
    Centerbridge Partners

    Fifth Avenue Committee
    Michelle de la Uz
    Stacy Dick
    Julian Robertson Holdings

    Ghetto Film School
    Stosh Mintek
    AJ Agarwal
    The Blackstone Group

    Gina Gibney
    Karen Wagner

    Greater Jamaica Development Corporation
    Hope Knight
    David Klafter
    Pershing Square Capital Management

    Lutheran Social Services
    Damyn Kelly
    Chip Raymond
    Charles Raymond Consulting

    North Star Fund
    Jennifer Ching
    Ellen Taus
    The Rockefeller Foundation

    Prospect Park Alliance
    Sue Donoghue
    Jason Kaufman
    Silverstein Properties

    Sadie Nash Leadership Project
    Chitra Aiyar
    Diane Rosen
    Ortoli Rosenstadt LLP

    Trust for Governor's Island
    Michael Samuelian
    Adam Flatto
    The Georgetown Company

    Uncommon Schools
    Brett Peiser
    Lili Lynton
    The Dinex Group

  • Brooklyn Community Bail Fund
    Peter Goldberg
    Deven Parekh
    Insight Venture Partners

    Callen Lorde Community Health Ctr
    Wendy Stark
    Michael Harrell

    Graham Windham
    Jess Dannhauser
    Melinda Wolfe

    Rich Berlin
    Tony Kim
    Centerview Partners

    Jewish Association Serving the Aging
    Kathryn Haslanger
    Alan Gover

    Museum of the City of New York
    Whitney Donnhauser
    Fred Hochberg

    New Visions for Public Schools
    Mark Dunetz
    David Resnick

    Partnership with Children
    Margaret Crotty
    Jonathan Durham
    Silver Lake Partners

    Young Women's Leadership Network
    Jemina Bernard
    Bill Gorin
    Cleary Gottlieb

  • Bed Stuy Restoration Corporation
    Colvin Grannum
    Andrew Celli
    Emery Celli Brinkerhoff & Abady

    The Brooklyn Museum
    Anne Pasternak
    Franci Blassberg
    Debevoise & Plimpton

    Center for Court Innovation
    Greg Berman
    Richard Roberts
    Red Stone Equity Partners

    Children's Aid
    Phoebe Boyer
    Ellen Jewett
    Canoe Point Capital

    Children's Village
    Jeremy Kohomban
    Debra Fine
    Fine Capital Partners

    Friends of the High Line
    Robert Hammond
    Susan Hewitt
    The Cheshire Group

    Hunts Point Alliance for Children
    Jill Roche
    Steven Steinman
    Fried Frank

    Mount Sinai Center for
    Adolescent Health
    Angela Diaz
    Michael Ryan
    Cleary Gottlieb

    New York Cares
    Gary Bagley
    Lisa Lewin
    The Ready

    New York Immigration Coalition
    Steve Choi
    Stu Bohart
    OM Asset Management

  • BRC
    Muzzy Rosenblatt
    Ryan Hinkle
    Insight Venture Partners

    Brooklyn Community Foundation
    Cecilia Clarke
    Jennifer Scully Lerner
    Goldman Sachs

    Educational Alliance
    Alan Van Capelle
    Cheryl Cohen Effron
    Greater NY

    The Fresh Air Fund
    Fatima Shama
    Matt Harris
    Bain Capital Partners

    Grand St. Settlement
    Robert Cordero
    David Kramer
    Hudson Industries

    Red Hook Initiative
    Jill Eisenhard
    Jamie Rubin
    New York State Governor's Office

    Row New York
    Amanda Kraus
    Danny Boockvar
    The NFL Experience

    The Bridge
    Susan Wiviott
    Melissa Pianko
    The Blackstone Group

    Vera Institute of Justice
    Nick Turner
    Lili Lynton
    Dinex Group

    YMCA of Greater New York
    Sharon Greenberger
    James Cummings
    Time Warner

  • Big Apple Circus
    Lynn Stirrup
    Paul Healy
    Reins LTD

    Breaking Ground
    Brenda Rosen
    Robert Kasdin
    Columbia University

    Carolyn McLaughlin
    James Cummings
    Time Warner

    The Brooklyn Historical Society
    Deborah Schwartz
    Winnie Lerner
    Ralph Lauren

    Joel Copperman
    Andrew Schiff
    Aisling Capital

    The Fortune Society
    JoAnne Page
    Jamie Rubin
    NY Rising

    The Fund for Public Schools
    Julia Bator
    Eric Feuerstein
    Gibson, Dunn & Crucher LLP

    Marjorie Hill
    Lili Lynton
    Dinex Group LLP

    The HOPE Program
    Jennifer Mitchell
    Lori Lesser
    Simpson Thacher & Bartlett LLP

    The Lower Eastside Girls Club
    Lynn Pentecost
    Amy Schulman
    Pfizer Inc.

    Museum of Chinese in America
    Helen Koh
    Robin Canter

    New Alternatives for Children
    Arlene Goldsmith
    Alan Klein
    Simpson Thacher & Bartlett LLP

    New York City Anti-Violence Project
    Sharon Stapel
    Lisa Sherman

    The Osborne Association
    Elizabeth Gaynes
    Michael Ryan
    Cleary Gottlieb

    Urban Pathways
    Fred Shack
    Deven Parekh
    Insight Venture Partners

  • Launched in the financial crisis of 2008

    Brooklyn Public Library
    Dionne Mack-Harvin
    Taran Swan
    R2T2 Laboratories, Inc.

    Children's Aid
    Richard Buery
    David Solomon
    Goldman Sachs

    City Year New York
    Itai Dinour
    Adam Miller
    NBC Universal

    Committee for Hispanic Children
    and Families
    Elba Montalvo
    Sacha Lainovic
    Invus Financial Advisors, NY

    Connect, Inc.
    Kala Ganesh
    Bill & Sheila Lambert

    Ghetto Film School
    Joe Hall
    Lawrence Jacobs
    News Corporation

    Marcel Van Ooyen
    Jonathan Pruzan
    Morgan Stanley

    Harlem Dowling-West Side Center
    for Children and Family Services
    Dorothy Worrell
    Alan Klein
    Simpson Thacher & Bartlett LLP

    Hudson Guild
    Ken Jockers
    Ellen Jewett
    BMO Capital Markets

    Inwood House
    Linda Lausell Bryant
    Michael Schlein
    ACCION International

    Little Sisters of the Assumption Family Health Service
    Gary Carter
    David Tanner
    Continental Grain Company

    Martha Graham Center of Contemporary Dance
    LaRue Allen
    Gavin Solotar
    Wachtell, Lipton, Rosen & Katz

    New York Urban League
    Arva Rice
    Brian Young
    EOS Capital Partners

    Nontraditional Employment for Women
    Amy A. Peterson
    Michael Chae
    The Blackstone Group

    NYC Outward Bound Schools
    Richard Stopol
    Stu Bohart
    Fortress Investment Group

    Partnership with Children
    Michelle Sidrane
    Douglas Braunstein
    JP Morgan Chase

    Peace First
    Eric Dawson
    William Ackman
    Pershing Square Capital Management

    Primary Care Development Corporation
    Ronda Kotelchuck
    Jamie Rubin
    BC Partners

    Project Hospitality
    Terry Troia
    Ellen Jewett
    BMO Capital Markets

    Theatre for a New Audience
    Jeffrey Horowitz
    John Howard
    Irving Place Capital

    Tolentine Zeiser Community Life Center
    Margaret McDermott, O.P.
    Blair Effron
    Centerview Partners

    Violence Intervention Program
    Cecilia M. Gastón
    Peter Beshar
    Marsh & McLennan Companies

    Wildcat Service Corporation
    Mary Ellen Boyd
    Warren Spector
    Tashtego Films

    Women's Housing and Economic
    Development Corp (WHEDco)
    Nancy Biberman
    Jay Mandelbaum
    JP Morgan Chase


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