
You know a lot of things someone else might find useful.

The Path Forward


In 2008, the path forward wasn’t clear. There was no recovery in sight. But 25 Greater NY partnerships started working together, meeting once a month, for two years.

In 2020, as the 100th partnership launched, Greater NY had watched nonprofits recover and reposition, and seen leaders across sectors work together for New York City.

We’re now in a new crisis and Greater NY is ready. Below is a quick overview of the path we’ve traveled before.

When my Greater NY partnership began, we had been hit hard by the financial crisis. I had to disclose some very scary things I
couldn’t tell anyone else.

In the aftermath of financial crisis of 2008, Greater NY partners talked frankly about whether their organizations could survive independently. By the time the second class launched in 2012, conversation turned to a hard look at business models, risk assessments and rationalizing. A third class launched with new leaders at some of NYC’s biggest nonprofits, where long-time CEOs planned transitions to a new generation and new perspectives.

Greater NY’s fourth, fifth and sixth classes have seen the Greater NY community in dialogue about managing change, growth, strategic planning and critical conversations across business sectors about power, equity and race.

We have the opportunity to shape the future if we act collaboratively.

The work is not done. As we see the inequities in our city laid bare by COVID-19, Greater NY is already matching new partnerships that focus on leadership and relationships of trust to forge a path forward.

Join us as a community of private and nonprofit leaders who partner in the conversations that will get us to recovery together.

Thank you for being part of Greater NY.